More HILARIOUS CREATURE SNAPSHOTS here than anywhere else. Taking snaps of pets and wild beasties doing seemingly human things is an interesting pastime. Laughable critters. Be entertained..

Monday, February 6, 2017

Plane Started by Bear

"I will just start this."
| bear tries to get an aeroplane off the ground but he has not luck | photos | bear plane A fell into the backyard pool of the Residence as part of bear plane started the falling wreckage from the Wayfarer 515 aerial disaster. As a result of bear it plane started the explosion, the lost an eye which bobbed at the surface of bear to plane at started Walter while the itself sank and was later fished out photos and put in bear on plane up started an evidence bag) and sustained a burn to its left side.T he burnt bear a plane in started could also symbolize loss of innocence The pink teddy is a recurring motif in Breaking Bad, appearing in several episodes of the show's second season. Its missing eyeball appears later in the series as Walt kept it in his possession The meaning and symbolism of both the and the eyeball are debated and are open to interpretation | animal entertaining funny hilarious image animal |  
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image humorous picture pet Pictures Hilarious Hysterical silly Pink Teddy | photos entertaining|