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well-knallergy symptoms runny nose watery eyes sneezing symptoms asthma coughing or wheezing fact asthma begins early childhood can be triggered by animals if allergen comes contact your babyskin he may rash or hives kind animal — including dogs hamsters guinea pigs especially cats — can causereaction inchildis allergic how cantell whetmy baby is allergic our pet year-as opposed seasonal symptomsitchy watery eyes rash runny nose sneezing coughing or wheezing indoors all signs an allergy dust mites morpet symptoms may even occur your baby is in close contact animal allergen can be found through indoor environment it little work whet it your pet or some else problem unfortunately your baby may still reaction your pet hea home chronic expo symptoms triggered can occur days expo is removed says allergist james sublett vice chairman indoor allergens committee american college allergy asthma immunology acaai even importants likely allergen be transported environment cl oot items removing your dog or cat house test period wo ntell much there may be enough pet dander your home trigger your baby allergies even your pet isnso might an extended stay a homed etect your baby is better with your pet if determine your pet is ca your baby symptoms probably need fidohome if re still may want your baby an allergist parts puzzle show full text 3 discuss topic comments 16 advertisement featured video child eczema how spot treatsee all pregnancy parenting birth videos might previous hives babies learn causes hives those red raised swollen itchy areas your child skin how treat hives call pet allergies 1224 mopet allergy is physical reaction animal dander saliva urine or feces learn how minimize your toddler expoto allergies babies howtell if your child allergies can dotreat or prevent allergies children mom answerage can start testing allergies pet allergies ages 24 howtell whet your childpet allergy how your doctor may treat mom answer can3 month allergies asthma babies how tell if 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